Celebrating F&S’s 2022 OREP award winners
On August 24, the Operations and Real Estate Partnerships (OREP) division held a celebration at the Sir Daniel Wilson Quad that drew more than 600 staff to reflect on the successes of the last year—from awards to new initiatives, and more. Now in its seventh year, the award ceremony is the division’s way of bringing departments together for a BBQ and celebrating the outstanding work of OREP staff. The award ceremony and BBQ took place at University College’s Sir Daniel Wilson Quad (photo by Jackie Shapiro) This year, 42 Facilities & Services staff were recognized. You can read more here.
Congratulations to our VPOREP Annual Award Winners 2022!
(all photos but the one of her by Jaclyn Shapiro) Read more about our award winners below: The OREP Impact Award – NEW! The Impact Award has been designed to recognize individuals or teams who, above and beyond their regular roles and responsibilities, have developed, revised or implemented a system, tool, process, initiative or program, which concluded in the last calendar year, that had a positive impact within their unit or portfolio, or across the University. The new Impact Award replaces the previous Outstanding Individual Employee and Outstanding Staff Team Awards. To be considered for the award, the nominee [...]
OREP hosts 7th annual OREP BBQ & Awards event!
(photos 1,2,3, 5, 6, 7 by Jackie Shapiro, 4 by Joyce Hahn) On August 24th, over 620 Operations & Real Estate Partnerships team members gathered for the 7th OREP Thank BBQ & Awards event. This is our opportunity to celebrate our entire team, and to honour our often unsung heroes for the great work they do in creatively, efficiently and dedicatedly furthering our mission through our three levels of OREP Awards. At the ceremony, Scott Mabury, VPOREP presented staff with 19 Distinguished Service Awards; 8 Impact Awards (Individual); 101 Impact Awards (Team) to members from 10 OREP and cross-divisional [...]
CanSSOC recognized at 2022 CUCCIO Awards Ceremony
As part of the Canadian University Council of Chief Information Officers (CUCCIO) 2022 CANHEIT conference in Abbotsford, BC, there was an in-person gala held on June 22 to celebrate this year’s CUCCIO Award winners. The Canadian Shared Security Operations Centre’s (CanSSOC) Threat Feed services, which has been developed, in part, by UofT ITS members, was awarded CUCCIO’s Collaboration Award. Read more here.
2022 OREP Staff Achievement Awards Program launches today!
The Vice-President Operations & Real Estate Partnerships (OREP) established the annual Staff Achievement Awards Program in 2015 in order to recognize exceptional staff contributions to the success of their particular unit, the OREP portfolio, and/or the University. The program provides OREP with an opportunity to thank staff for the valuable work performed throughout the year. The awards will be presented at the OREP BBQ on August 24 (save the date – details to come!) This year, and in recognition of the various and varied ways our staff contribute to the success of the portfolio and the institution’s mission and [...]
Isaac Straley named CISO of the year
(Photo by Lisa Sakulensky) Isaac Straley, the University of Toronto’s chief information security officer (CISO), has been named CISO of the year at the CISO Forum Canada 2021. You can read more here.
In the Bulletin: U of T staff recognized at annual OREP BBQ & Awards
Photo by Jackie Shapiro The 6th annual Operations & Real Estate Partnerships (OREP) Thank You BBQ & Awards event took place at Varsity Stadium on October 5 to recognize and celebrate exceptional staff and team contributions over the past year and a half. Read more here.
OREP hosts 6th (sort of) annual OREP BBQ & Awards event at Varsity Stadium!
(photos: Jackie Shapiro, Ancillary Services) For the sixth year, and following a year's hiatus, Operations & Real Estate Partnerships team members gathered for the OREP Thank BBQ & Awards event, one day later than originally scheduled due to nature's fickle plans. Over 470 staff members had rsvpd with alacrity to enjoy delicious food – supplied by our very own Food Services culinary team - to the sounds of our Faculty of Music's student steel pan band, in a socially distanced, EAT-guided and EHS-approved event. This is our opportunity to celebrate our entire team, and to honour our often unsung [...]
Congratulations to our VPOREP Annual Award Winners 2021!
(Photo: Jackie Shapiro, Ancillary Services) Read more about our award winners below: Outstanding Individual Employee Award Presented to an individual staff member (regardless of length of service) involved in any area of staff work who has made outstanding contributions that go beyond the ordinary fulfillment of the position’s duties. Praveen Narayanaswamy (ITS) As an SAP Solutions Architect, Praveen has amassed a series of successfully accomplished, high profile, and complex projects for our institution and its various lines of business. He has demonstrated thoughtful and methodic approaches to organization, planning, execution and support, helping us transform our business systems, during [...]
U of T laneway, infill homes win 2021 Canadian Green Building Award
Photo by Lisa Lightbourn A University of Toronto pilot project introducing three unique homes to the St. George campus – including two in a laneway near Robarts Library – has received a 2021 Canadian Green Building Award. Read more here.