
Distinguished Service Award Winners 2016

Michelle Broderick, Senior Academic Research Analyst, Planning & Budget Michelle joined the University in 2000 and has held a number of key analytical positions in central planning departments. She joined VPUO in late 2014 when her position with the Vice Provost Faculty & Academic Life was transferred to Planning & Budget. During her career with the University, Michelle has become the “go to” person for analytics on faculty complement. She has developed an expert level knowledge of HRIS and academic appointment data which is key to her success in overcoming the significant challenges with pulling analytical data together from a system [...]

August 17, 2016|Categories: Awards|

Outstanding Individual Award Winners 2016

Brian Szuberwood, Associate Director, Capital Projects, UPDC Brian manages high profile complex projects as well as providing leadership to new staff and continued support to all staff. Over the past year he has managed the most difficult and problematic project in collective memory. While dealing with complex construction issues, mounting claims for additional costs and conflicting project objectives, he has maintained a leadership role as Associate Director providing coaching, support and direction to department staff. He does all this with an even and collegial disposition. Congratulations, Brian!   Aris Manousos, Property Manager, Facilities and Services One of Aris’ two nominators, Heather Taylor [...]

August 17, 2016|Categories: Awards|

Outstanding Team Award Winners 2016

Electrician Team Thanksgiving 2015 The nomination reads simply: “It was Thanksgiving Weekend 2015. Contractors cut the High Voltage line that feeds Fitzgerald. Our Electricians got the power restored.” But there’s much more to this story. Our trades are often the unsung heroes on campus; this is yet another example of the team pulling together to get us back on track again. Not only was the cut unexpected, it was as a result of non-U of T work on-going in the area AND on a long weekend. Lack of power put research at Fitzgerald at risk, but Blair and his team [...]

August 17, 2016|Categories: Awards|

Facilities & Services’ Invoice Workflow Project receives an Honourable Mention at CAUBO’s 2016 Quality & Productivity Awards

    The recipients of the 2016 CAUBO Quality and Productivity Awards were announced during the most recent CAUBO annual conference (held in Quebec City on June 12-14). We are very happy to share that U of T received an Honourable Mention for the Facilities & Services Invoice Workflow Project.  You can find more details regarding the Q&P Award and this year’s recipients by following the link here. A broadly transformative project, the Facilities & Services (F&S) Workflow initiative automates the department's invoice payment process, significantly increasing productivity for more than 100 staff members across the university. Embedded with internal controls, the electronic [...]

June 22, 2016|Categories: Awards, Updates|

University Operations Staff Achievement Awards 2016: Nomination Period is Now Open (Deadline for nominations: June 10th)

The annual University Operations Staff Achievement Awards Program was introduced in 2015 to recognize exceptional staff contributions to the success of the unit, the portfolio and the University. The program provides us with another opportunity to thank staff for the valuable work performed throughout the year. Any University Operations employee in good standing is eligible to receive these awards. Temporary employees, students, and faculty are not eligible for consideration. Selection of the recipients will be based on the information provided as part of the nomination process. Three types of achievement-based awards will be presented at the 2nd Annual Than-Q BBQ on [...]

April 25, 2016|Categories: Awards, News, Updates|

University of Toronto Recognized as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers (2016)

By Richard Yerema and Kristina Leung, Mediacorp Canada Inc. staff editors (Apr 21, 2016) Here are some of the reasons why University of Toronto was selected as one of Canada's Greenest Employers (2016): U of T's many initiatives to reduce, reuse and recycle has helped it achieve an impressive waste diversion rate of over 72 percent, which includes the capture of everything from batteries to organics to asphalt and concrete -- additionally, the university continues to build on its past accomplishments, recently launching the "Green Ideas" program to encourage employees and students to share ideas on how to further reduce [...]

April 22, 2016|Categories: Awards, News, Updates|

U of T honours sustainability champions

by Terry Lavender Ron Swail, chief operations officer, property services and sustainability, presents Jane Forbes with her award via Skype (photo by Jonathan Sabeniano, Sustainability Office) Kristy Bard, assistant to the chair of the anthropology department, rallied support to restore a derelict greenhouse. Trinity College student Larissa Parker organized more than a dozen speaker events, outings and fundraisers in support of sustainable activities and blogged from the COP21 climate change conference in Paris. Faculty of Medicine professor Patricia Brubaker led an effort to reduce the number of light bulbs in the Medical Sciences Building, and implemented a “bring your own cup” policy in the building. Bard, Parker, [...]

March 15, 2016|Categories: Awards, News, Updates|

And the winner is…

On Tuesday, October 14th, the Munk School of Global Affairs at 315 Bloor Street West was honoured by Heritage Toronto as a winner in the William Greer Architectural Conservation and Craftsmanship category. This category honours owners who have undertaken projects to restore or adapt buildings or structures that have been in existence for forty years or more or are included on the City of Toronto’s Inventory of Heritage Properties. In addition to the quality of craftsmanship, appropriateness of materials, and the use of sound conservation principles, the jury considers how well the project meets current needs while maintaining the integrity of the [...]

October 14, 2015|Categories: Awards, Updates|

2015 University Operations Award Winners Announced at the first ever UO Than-Q BBQ!

University Operations Annual Staff Achievement Awards Program The Vice-President University Operations has established the annual Staff Achievement Awards Program in order to recognize exceptional staff contributions to the success of their particular unit, the University Operations portfolio and the University. The program provides University Operations with an opportunity to thank staff for the valuable work performed throughout the year. Three types of achievement-based awards were presented at our inaugural Than-Q BBQ and Awards event on Tuesday, September 1st: Outstanding Individual Employee Award Presented to an individual staff member (regardless of length of service) involved in any area of staff [...]

September 1, 2015|Categories: Awards, News|

Launch of the University Operations Annual Staff Achievement Awards Program

The annual University Operations Staff Achievement Awards Program is being introduced to recognize exceptional staff contributions to the success of the unit, the portfolio and the University. The program provides us with another opportunity to thank staff for the valuable work performed throughout the year. Any University Operations employee in good standing is eligible to receive these awards. Temporary employees, students, and faculty are not eligible for consideration. Selection of the recipients will be based on the information provided as part of the nomination process. Three types of achievement-based awards will be presented in late summer 2015:  Outstanding Individual Employee [...]

June 2, 2015|Categories: Awards, News, Uncategorized|
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