
Caretaking Services (St. George campus) awarded Cleaning Industry Management Standard – Green Building certification with Honours!

Congratulations to our caretaking team on this achievement! Cleaning Industry Management Standard - Green Building (CIMS-GB) certification demonstrates that University of Toronto has undergone a comprehensive assessment by an independent, accredited CIMS-GB assessor and has successfully demonstrated a commitment to the delivery of environmentally preferable services that are designed to meet customer needs and expectations. By implementing the CIMS-GB principles into our organization’s operations, Caretaking has established its capability to provide green cleaning services and assist the University in achieving points under the LEED-Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED-EBOM) Green Building Rating System. The certification process proved to be a [...]

August 15, 2019|Categories: Awards, Updates|

3 OREP Staff amongst the Winners of the 2019 Simcoe Hall Vice-Presidential Staff Awards

Congratulations to our winners! Three OREP members were honoured at the SVP Award Luncheon on July 10th:   Patrick Brennan, Property Manager, was chosen to be recognized for Significant Contribution and Sustained Service of Excellence. Patrick was nominated by Mary Patricia Byrne who wrote that Patrick is "complimented by his clients for his calm, friendly and proactive nature. He is organized. He is responsive and finds solutions. He is an excellent communicator". One of his supporters wrote of his "daily excellence" and the fact that Patrick is "highly respected both as a leader and a colleague" while another wrote that [...]

July 11, 2019|Categories: Awards, Updates|

2019 VPOREP (formerly VPUO) Staff Achievement Awards nominations are now OPEN!!

In 2015, the Vice-President University Operations (now VP, Operations & Real Estate Partnerships) established the annual Staff Achievement Awards Program in order to recognize exceptional staff contributions to the success of their particular unit, the University Operations portfolio and the University. The program provides University Operations with another opportunity to thank staff for the valuable work performed throughout the year. Three types of achievement-based awards will be presented at the 5th Annual Than-Q BBQ and Awards event on August 21, 2019.   Outstanding Individual Employee Award Presented to an individual staff member (regardless of length of service) involved in any [...]

April 16, 2019|Categories: Awards, Updates|

Business continuity planning: A risk and responsibility shared by all

When Toronto was hit with record-breaking rainfall in the summer of 2013, University of Toronto was not spared. Approximately 40 buildings on the downtown Toronto campus experienced significant flooding that resulted in $180,000 of damage. “That flooding event helped focus us. We really do need to be more forward-looking and formalized in our business continuity planning,” said Scott Mabury, U of T’s vice-president of operations and real estate partnerships (OREP). Business continuity is part of the emergency management cycle that connects the emergency response phase to the recovery phase. How do you resume operations in the event of an emergency? What are [...]

March 6, 2019|Categories: News, Updates|
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