U of T Named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers 2015
DIANE JERMYN Special to The Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, Apr. 22 2015, 5:00 AM EDT Last updated Friday, Apr. 17 2015, 5:05 PM EDT How do I green? Let me count the ways. Reasons for Selection The winners of Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2015 show amazing diversity in how they make their businesses green. As environmental leaders, they’ve put their strategy into action through multiple initiatives, both formal and informal, both corporate and employee-led. For many organizations, building sustainability isn’t a trendy thing to do, but has evolved to become a part of how they operate, notes Richard [...]
Ron Swail – Recipient of the 2014 Chancellor’s Award
I am very pleased to announce that Ron Swail, AVP of Facilities & Services is the recipient of the 2014 Chancellor’s Award in the category of Influential Leader. This award recognizes Ron’s dedication, outstanding leadership and his ability to motivate and influence others. As stated in the nomination packages: “Under Ron’s leadership the department of Facilities and Services has been transformed into an efficient and respected operational department. Ron has provided strategic direction that has established a culture of innovation and continual improvements with a core focus on operational efficiency, value for money, risk mitigation, sustainability, service excellence, and [...]
Simcoe Hall VP Staff Award Winners
The Simcoe Hall Vice-Presidents’ Staff Awards is a program to recognize outstanding performance in the portfolios reporting into the Office of the President, Vice-President & Provost, the Simcoe Hall Vice-Presidents, and the Office of Governing Council. The recipients from the Division of University Operations are: 2013 (Inaugural year) - Cecille Agmata, Executive Assistant in Facilities & Services 2014 - Stacey Wilson, Assistant Director, Telecommunications, ITS/EASI AND Laurie Harrison, Director, On-line Learning Strategies, ITS Scott Mabury and Stacey Wilson Please join me in congratulating the winners. Scott Mabury, Vice-President, University Operations
U of T Budget Model Wins Gold
It was a new, innovative approach to budgeting at the University of Toronto that relied on faculties to craft their own creative solutions to the challenge of working with limited resources. The goal: better-informed decisions and the transparent, rational allocation of funds. The result: six years after introducing its new budget process, the university is helping other institutions adopt the same approach. And U of T has taken the gold in the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC)/Deloitte Public Sector Leadership Awards– created to recognize excellence, innovation and impact in the public sector. Read more and watch the clip: [...]