The Lab Innovation for Toronto project is a government grant designed to make our labs as world-class as our research

The Lab Innovation for Toronto (LIFT) project announced on July 28 is a $190 million investment in research infrastructure, nine faculties, three campuses, 11,000 researchers, and at least 5,000 students.

“Half of our research space, 47 per cent to be precise, is 50-years-old and is not in great shape,” said Scott Mabury, Vice-President of University Operations. “[LIFT] will fundamentally alter how some of these buildings operate.”

“My lab is in Lash Miller,” said Mabury, who researches Environmental Chemistry. “The whole building is one where, if we didn’t make an investment, in 10 years or so, we would have to be thinking about replacing the building… This investment will give us another generation of usage.”

“A lot of labs will be completely renovated. People will go from really uninspiring research space with poor flooring, poor benches, and poor overall functionality, to brand new labs. Dentistry for example, [is] one of the more exciting components.”

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